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ER (Estrogen Receptor): The estrogen receptor (ER) is critical in breast pathology, as its expression status informs treatment decisions for hormone receptor-positive breast cancers. Assessing ER levels through IHC helps guide the use of endocrine therapies, significantly impacting patient outcomes.

10074-Hydroxynonenal (4-HNE)rabbit polyclonal otherWB
11028-hydroxy-guanosinemouse monoclonal (15A3) otherWB ICC IHC ELISA
10028-oxo-adenosinemouse monoclonal (6E4) other ELISA
BC128AAdenovirus IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC128GAdenovirus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
9067Alpha-synucleinmouse monoclonal human mouse rat WB ICC IHC
9481AMPK α 1rabbit polyclonal human rat cow WB IHC
4805AMPK α 2rabbit polyclonal human rat cow WB
1034AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase)rabbit polyclonal human mouse IHC ELISA
BC132AAspergillus fumigatus IgA Control Serum other ELISA
ESR132AAspergillus fumigatus IgA ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC132GAspergillus fumigatus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
ESR132GAspergillus fumigatus IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC132MAspergillus fumigatus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
ESR132MAspergillus fumigatus IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC1201GBordatella pertussis Toxin IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BA120VS3Bordetella pertussis Filamentous Hemagglutinin (FHA) Antigen other ELISA
BC120ABordetella pertussis IgA Control Serum other ELISA
ESR120ABordetella pertussis IgA ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC120GBordetella pertussis IgG Control Serum other ELISA
ESR120GBordetella pertussis IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
ESR120MBordetella pertussis IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA
BA120VS4Bordetella pertussis Toxin Antigen other ELISA
BC1201ABordetella pertussis Toxin Human IgA Assay Control other ELISA
ESR1201ABordetella pertussis Toxin IgA ELISA Kit other ELISA
ESR1201GBordetella pertussis Toxin IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
BA120VS8Bordetella pertussis whole cell Antigen other ELISA
BC121GBorrelia burgdorferi IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC121MBorrelia burgdorferi IgM Control Serum other ELISA
9012BrdUchicken polyclonal other ELISA
BC116ABrucella IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC116GBrucella IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC116MBrucella IgM Control Serum other ELISA
9015Calreticulinrabbit polyclonal human mouse rat WB ICC IHC
BA139VSCampylobacter jejuni Antigen other ELISA
BC139ACampylobacter jejuni IgA Control Serum other ELISA
ESR139ACampylobacter jejuni IgA ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC139GCampylobacter jejuni IgG Control Serum other ELISA
ESR139GCampylobacter jejuni IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC139MCampylobacter jejuni IgM Control Serum other ELISA
ESR139MCampylobacter jejuni IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC117ACandida albicans IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC117GCandida albicans IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC117MCandida albicans IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6057CD11cmouse monoclonal (ZM103)human IHC
6085CD31rabbit monoclonal (ZR274)human IHC
6086CD31mouse monoclonal (JC70A)human IHC
6088CD34mouse monoclonal (QBEnd-10)human IHC
1688Chicken IgY H&L Chaingoat polyclonal WB ICC IHC ELISA
1708Chicken IgY H&L Chaingoat polyclonal WB ICC IHC ELISA
BC148GChikungunya Virus Human IgG Assay Control other ELISA
BC148MChikungunya Virus Human IgM Assay Control other ELISA
BC1371AChlamydia pneumoniae IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC1371GChlamydia pneumoniae IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC1371MChlamydia pneumoniae IgM Control Serum other ELISA
BC1372AChlamydia trachomatis IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC1372GChlamydia trachomatis IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC1372MChlamydia trachomatis IgM Control Serum other ELISA
BC134ACocksackie IgA Virus Control Serum other ELISA
BC134GCocksackie IgG Virus Control Serum other ELISA
BC134MCocksackie IgM Virus Control Serum other ELISA
ESR130GCorynebacteria dyptheriae IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC1312GCoxiella burnetii Phase 2 IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC1312MCoxiella burnetii Phase 2 IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6133Cyclin-Emouse monoclonal (ZM121)human IHC
6134Cytokeratinmouse monoclonal (CAM 5.2)human IHC
6135Cytokeratin 14mouse monoclonal (LL002)human IHC
6136Cytokeratin 14mouse monoclonal (ZM372)human IHC
6137Cytokeratin 17mouse monoclonal (E3)human IHC
6138Cytokeratin 18mouse monoclonal (ZM205)human IHC
6139Cytokeratin 18mouse monoclonal (DC10)human IHC
6140Cytokeratin 19mouse monoclonal (BA17)human IHC
6141Cytokeratin 19rabbit monoclonal (ZR143)human IHC
6142Cytokeratin 20mouse monoclonal (ZM42)human IHC
6143Cytokeratin 20mouse monoclonal (Ks20.8)human IHC
6144Cytokeratin 20rabbit monoclonal (ZR429)human IHC
6145Cytokeratin 5rabbit monoclonal (ZR280)human IHC
6146Cytokeratin 5mouse monoclonal (ZM186)human IHC
6147Cytokeratin 5/6mouse monoclonal (D5&16B4)human IHC
6148Cytokeratin 5/6rabbit monoclonal (ZR412)human IHC
5423Cytokeratin 7mouse monoclonal (OV-TL-12&30)human IHC
6424Cytokeratin 7rabbit monoclonal (ZR428)human IHC
6151Cytokeratin 8mouse monoclonal (ZM123)human IHC
6152Cytokeratin 8/18mouse monoclonal (B22.1 & B23.1)human IHC
6153Cytokeratin 8/18mouse monoclonal (ZM125)human IHC
6154Cytokeratin, HMWmouse monoclonal (34βE12)human IHC
6155Cytokeratin, Panmouse monoclonal (OSCAR)human IHC
6156Cytokeratin, Panmouse monoclonal (AE1&AE3)human IHC
BC109GCytomegalovirus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC109MCytomegalovirus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
BC114GDengue Virus Human IgG Assay Control other ELISA
BC114MDengue Virus Human IgM Assay Control other ELISA
BC1141MDengue Virus superior Human IgM Assay Control other ELISA
6159Desmoglein-3rabbit monoclonal (ZR128)human IHC
BC130GDiphtheria IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BA130VSDiphtheria Toxoid Control Antigen other ELISA
9059Doublecortinrabbit polyclonal human mouse rat WB ICC IHC
6164E-Cadherinrabbit monoclonal (ZR375)human IHC
6165E-Cadherinmouse monoclonal (ZM63)human IHC
6166EBV-LMPmouse monoclonal (CS1-4)human IHC
BC107GEchinococcus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC135AEchovirus IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC135GEchovirus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC135MEchovirus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6168EMArabbit monoclonal (ZR133)human IHC
6169EMAmouse monoclonal (E29)human IHC
BA133VS01Enterovirus Antigen other ELISA
BC133AEnterovirus IgA Control Serum other ELISA
ESR133AEnterovirus IgA ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC133GEnterovirus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
ESR133GEnterovirus IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC133MEnterovirus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
ESR133MEnterovirus IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA
6170EP-CAMmouse monoclonal (ZM131)human IHC
6171EP-CAMmouse monoclonal (Ber-EP4)human IHC
1173EP-CAM/ ESArabbit monoclonal (ZR307)human IHC
8172EP-CAM/ ESAmouse monoclonal (MOC-31)human IHC
BC1363GEpstein-Barr Virus EA IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC1362GEpstein-Barr Virus EBNA-1 IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC1361GEpstein-Barr Virus VCA IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC1361MEpstein-Barr Virus VCA IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6177ERGrabbit monoclonal (ZR331)human IHC
6179EZH2rabbit monoclonal (ZR150)human IHC
6180Factor VIII-Rmouse monoclonal (ZM64)human IHC
6181Factor XIIIamouse monoclonal (ZM84)human IHC
1039FOXO (Forkhead box O) Transcription Factor 3arabbit polyclonal human mouse WB ELISA
1024FOXO (Forkhead box O) Transcription Factorsrabbit monoclonal (BLR140H)human mouse WB ELISA
6187Galectin-3rabbit monoclonal (ZR430)human IHC
6188Galectin-3mouse monoclonal (ZM182)human IHC
9024GFAPmouse monoclonal human mouse rat WB ICC IHC
1689Goat IgG H&L Chain polyclonal goat WB ICC IHC ELISA
1709Goat IgG H&L Chain polyclonal goat WB ICC IHC ELISA
6207HBcAgrabbit monoclonal (Poly)human IHC
6209HBsAgrabbit monoclonal (ZR393)human IHC
BA118VSHelicobacter pylori Antigen other ELISA
BC118AHelicobacter pylori IgA Control Serum other ELISA
ESR118AHelicobacter pylori IgA ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC118GHelicobacter pylori IgG Control Serum other ELISA
ESR118GHelicobacter pylori IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC118MHelicobacter pylori IgM Control Serum other ELISA
ESR118MHelicobacter pylori IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA
6206Helicobacterpylorirabbit monoclonal (Poly)human IHC
6212Her-2/neurabbit monoclonal (ZR218)human IHC
6213Her-2/neurabbit monoclonal (ZR5)human IHC
BC1052MHerpes Simples Virus 2 IgM Control Serum other ELISA
ESR105AHerpes simplex Virus 1 and 2 IgA ELISA Kit other ELISA
5372Herpes simplex Virus 1 and 2 IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
ESR105GHerpes simplex Virus 1 and 2 IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
ESR105MHerpes simplex Virus 1 and 2 IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA
BA1051VSHerpes simplex Virus 1 Antigen other ELISA
BA1051RVS-GHerpes simplex Virus 1 Glycoprotein G Antigen other ELISA
BC1051GHerpes Simplex Virus 1 gP IgG Control Serum other ELISA
ESR1051GHerpes simplex Virus 1 IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC1051MHerpes Simplex Virus 1 IgM Control Serum other ELISA
ESR1051MHerpes simplex Virus 1 IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC105AHerpes Simplex Virus 1+2 IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC105GHerpes Simplex Virus 1+2 IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC105MHerpes Simplex Virus 1+2 IgM Control Serum other ELISA
BA1052VSHerpes simplex Virus 2 Antigen other ELISA
BA1052RVS-GHerpes simplex Virus 2 Glycoprotein G Antigen other ELISA
BC1052GHerpes Simplex Virus 2 gP IgG Control Serum other ELISA
ESR1052GHerpes simplex Virus 2 IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
ESR1052MHerpes simplex Virus 2 IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA
6218HerpesSimplexVirusmouse monoclonal -192human IHC
6219HerpesSimplexVirusmouse monoclonal (10A3)human IHC
6214HHV-8mouse monoclonal (LN53)human IHC
6215HHV-8rabbit monoclonal (ZR106)human IHC
1009HIF-1α (Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha)rabbit monoclonal (BL-124-3F7)human WB ICC IHC ELISA
1029HIF-1α (Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha)goat polyclonal human ELISA
1008HO-1 (Heme oxygenase-1)rabbit polyclonal human WB ELISA
1028HO-1 (Heme oxygenase-1)rabbit polyclonal human ELISA
6216HPVmouse monoclonal (CAMVR-1 & C1P5)human IHC
1707Human IgG H&L Chaingoat polyclonal human WB ICC IHC ELISA
5052Human IgG H&L Chaingoat polyclonal human WB ICC IHC ELISA
BC1231AInfluenza A Virus IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC1231GInfluenza A Virus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC1231MInfluenza A Virus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
BC1232AInfluenza B Virus IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC1232GInfluenza B Virus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC1232MInfluenza B Virus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
1017JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinases)rabbit polyclonal human mouse WB IHC ELISA
1037JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinases)rabbit polyclonal human mouse WB IHC ELISA
9056Ki-67rabbit monoclonal human WB ICC IHC
9022LAMP1mouse monoclonal human WB ICC IHC
6240Langerinrabbit monoclonal (ZR170)human IHC
BC106GLegionella pneumophila IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC106MLegionella pneumophila IgM Control Serum other ELISA
BC147GLeishmania Human IgG Assay Control other ELISA
BC125GLeptospira IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC125MLeptospira IgM Control Serum other ELISA
1006Malondialdehyde (MDA)rabbit otherWB
1027Malondialdehyde (MDA)rabbit polyclonal otherWB ELISA
9007MAP2mouse monoclonal (A4)human mouse rat WB ICC IHC
1015MDA ApoBrabbit otherWB ELISA
1014MDA LDLrabbit otherWB ELISA
BC102GMeasles Virus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC102MMeasles Virus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6251Melan-A (MART-1)mouse monoclonal (A103)human IHC
6252Melanosomemouse monoclonal (HMB-45)human IHC
6256MiTF (Microphthalmia)mouse monoclonal (C5&D5)human IHC
6259MMP-2mouse monoclonal (CA-4001)human IHC
1706Mouse IgG H&L Chaingoat polyclonal mouse WB ICC IHC ELISA
5486Mouse IgG H&L Chaingoat polyclonal mouse WB ICC IHC ELISA
6264MUC-1mouse monoclonal (ZM32)human IHC
6265MUC-1rabbit monoclonal (ZR435)human IHC
6268MUC-4rabbit monoclonal (ZR201)human IHC
BC103GMumps/Parotitis Virus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC103MMumps/Parotitis Virus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
BC127AMycoplasma pneumoniae IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC127GMycoplasma pneumoniae IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC127MMycoplasma pneumoniae IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6276Myeloperoxidasemouse monoclonal (ZM352)human IHC
9018NeuNmouse monoclonal (2Q158)human mouse rat rabbit dog WB ICC IHC
1012Nitrated LDL (NitratedLDL)rabbit otherWB ELISA
1010Nitrotyrosinerabbit polyclonal otherWB ELISA
1030Nitrotyrosinegoat polyclonal otherWB ELISA
1011Oxidized LDL (oxLDL)rabbit otherWB ELISA
6307p21WAF1rabbit monoclonal (ZR288)human IHC
6308p27Kip1mouse monoclonal (SX53G8)human IHC
1019p38 MAPKrabbit polyclonal human mouse WB ELISA
1032p38 MAPKrabbit polyclonal human mouse WB ELISA
1023p53rabbit monoclonal (BL-250-1-H11)human mouse WB ICC IHC ELISA
8319p53mouse monoclonal (D01)human WB ICC IHC ELISA
BC126AParainfluenza Virus Human IgA Assay Control other ELISA
BC126GParainfluenza Virus Human IgG Assay Control other ELISA
BC122GParvovirus B19 IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC122MParvovirus B19 IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6324PCNArabbit monoclonal (ZR378)human IHC
6325PCNAmouse monoclonal (PC10)human IHC
6326PD-1 (PDCD1)mouse monoclonal (ZM357)human IHC
6327PD-1 (PDCD1)rabbit monoclonal (ZR408)human IHC
6328PD-L1rabbit monoclonal (ZR3)human IHC
6329Perforinmouse monoclonal (ZM159)human IHC
6330Perforinrabbit monoclonal (ZR270)human IHC
6333PHH3rabbit monoclonal (ZR285)human IHC
1020PI3K/Akt Pathway (Phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt)rabbit monoclonal (BLR245L)human mouse WB ICC
1033PI3K/Akt Pathway (Phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt)rabbit polyclonal human WB IHC ELISA
1035PKC (Protein kinase C) alpharabbit polyclonal human mouse WB ELISA
1022PKC-eta (Protein kinase C)rabbit polyclonal human WB ELISA
6345PRAMErabbit monoclonal (ZR383)human IHC
4148Rat IgG H&L Chaingoat polyclonal rat WB ICC IHC ELISA
BC113ARespiratory Syncytial Virus IgA Control Serum other ELISA
BC113GRespiratory Syncytial Virus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
6356RRM1rabbit monoclonal (ZR114)human IHC
BC129GRubella Virus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC129MRubella Virus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6357S-100mouse monoclonal (4C4.9)human IHC
6358S100Brabbit monoclonal (ZR379)human IHC
6435S100Prabbit monoclonal (ZR115)human IHC
1025Sirtuins (SIRT1)rabbit polyclonal human WB ELISA
1038Sirtuins (SIRT1)rabbit polyclonal human WB ELISA
6365SOX-10mouse monoclonal (ZM10)human IHC
6366SOX-10rabbit monoclonal (ZR275)human IHC
6367SOX-2mouse monoclonal (ZM57)human IHC
6372Steroidogenic Factor-1 (SF-1)mouse monoclonal (N1665)human IHC
6437Steroidogenic Factor-1 (SF-1)rabbit monoclonal (ZR397)human IHC
1001Superoxide Dismutase 1 (SOD)rabbit polyclonal human WB IHC
1026Superoxide Dismutase 1 (SOD)rabbit polyclonal human WB IHC
BC108GTetanus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
1004Thioredoxin (Trx)rabbit polyclonal human WB ELISA
6381Thymidylate Synthase (TS)rabbit monoclonal (ZR245)human IHC
6382Thymidylate Synthase (TS)mouse monoclonal (TS106)human IHC
BC112GTick-Borne Encephalitis Virus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC112MTick-Borne Encephalitis Virus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6388Topoisomerase IIarabbit monoclonal (ZR94)human IHC
BC110GToxoplasma gondii IgG Control Serum other ELISA
BC110MToxoplasma gondii IgM Control Serum other ELISA
6392Treponema pallidumrabbit monoclonal (Poly)human IHC
6393TROP2rabbit monoclonal (ZR388)human IHC
6398Tyrosinasemouse monoclonal (T311)human IHC
9009Tyrosine Hydroxylaserabbit monoclonal human mouse rat WB ICC
9044Ubiquitinrabbit polyclonal (BLR100G)human mouse rat rabbit goat cat sheep hamster cow dog guinea pig pig h pylori otherWB ICC IHC
BA104R02Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Envelope Glycoprotein E Control Antigen other ELISA
BA104VSVaricella-Zoster Virus Antigen other ELISA
BA104VSGVaricella-Zoster Virus Glycoprotein Antigen other ELISA
BC104AVaricella-Zoster Virus IgA Control Serum other ELISA
ESR104AVaricella-Zoster Virus IgA ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC104GVaricella-Zoster Virus IgG Control Serum other ELISA
ESR104GVaricella-Zoster Virus IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC104MVaricella-Zoster Virus IgM Control Serum other ELISA
ESR104MVaricella-Zoster Virus IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA
6401VEGFrabbit monoclonal (ZR389)human IHC
9046Vimentinrabbit monoclonal human mouse rat WB ICC IHC
BC141GWest Nile Virus Human IgG Assay Control other ELISA
BC141MWest Nile Virus Human IgM Assay Control other ELISA
BA138VSYersinia enterocolitica O:3 YOP (Yersinia outer proteins) Antigen other ELISA
BA13808VSYersinia enterocolitica O:8 YOP (Yersinia outer proteins) Antigen other ELISA
BA13809VSYersinia enterocolitica O:9 YOP (Yersinia outer proteins) Antigen other ELISA
BC138AYersinia IgA Control Serum other ELISA
ESR138AYersinia IgA ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC138GYersinia IgG Control Serum other ELISA
ESR138GYersinia IgG ELISA Kit other ELISA
BC138MYersinia IgM Control Serum other ELISA
ESR138MYersinia IgM ELISA Kit other ELISA

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded breast carcinoma stained with ZR147 antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note nuclear staining of tumor cells
IHC with antibody [6174] : Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded breast carcinoma stained with ZR147 antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note nuclear staining of tumor cells
Human breast adenocarcinoma stained with anti-ER antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note the strong nuclear staining of tumor cells.
IHC with antibody [6175] : Human breast adenocarcinoma stained with anti-ER antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note the strong nuclear staining of tumor cells.
Human normal breast tissue stained with ER antibody using peroxidase-conjugate  and DAB chromogen. Note nuclear staining of benign ductal cells.
IHC with antibody [6176] : Human normal breast tissue stained with ER antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note nuclear staining of benign ductal cells.