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Epitope tag antibodies

Antibodies for epitope tags are widely used in molecular biology and protein research to facilitate the detection, purification, and manipulation of recombinant proteins. Epitope tags are short peptide sequences that are genetically fused to a target protein of interest. Antibodies raised against these epitope tags specifically recognize and bind to the tagged protein, enabling its easy detection and isolation. Commonly used epitope tags include Myc, FLAG, HA, GFP, and His-tag. The availability of commercial antibodies against these epitope tags allows researchers to perform a variety of applications, such as Western blotting, immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence, and flow cytometry. These antibodies offer several advantages, including high specificity, affinity, and ease of use. They provide a convenient and reliable method to assess protein expression levels, monitor protein localization, study protein-protein interactions, and purify tagged proteins using affinity chromatography. Epitope tag antibodies have revolutionized protein research, enabling researchers to manipulate and analyze recombinant proteins with greater efficiency and precision.
19556X His tagmouse monoclonal (7B8)WBELISA
29666X His tagmouse monoclonal (HIS.H8)WBICCELISA
70946X His tagrabbit polyclonalELISA
82786X His tagchicken polyclonalELISA
90276X His taggoat polyclonalWBICCELISA
1779BGALchicken polyclonalWBICCIHC
9012BrdUchicken polyclonalELISA
1031BSAsheep polyclonalELISA
7239BSArabbit polyclonalELISA
2933DYDDDDK tagchicken polyclonalELISA
4849DYDDDDK tagrabbit polyclonalWBICCELISA
5299DYDDDDK tagmouse monoclonal (FG4R)WBICCELISA
8963DYDDDDK tagmouse monoclonal (1D2)WBICCELISA
1777GFPchicken polyclonalWBICCIHC
1778GFPrabbit polyclonalWBICCIHC
7414GFPmouse monoclonal (GF28R)WBICCELISA
9005GFPrabbit monoclonalWBICC
3104GSTrabbit polyclonalELISA
8446GSTmouse monoclonal (GST.B6)WBICCELISA
2742HA tagmouse monoclonal (HA.C5)WBICCELISA
6395HA tagrabbit polyclonalWBICCELISA
9232HA tagchicken polyclonalWBICCELISA
6906MBPmouse monoclonal (MBP61R)WBICCELISA
9051MBPmouse monoclonalWBICCELISA
1013myc taggoat polyclonalWBICCELISA
5460myc tagmouse monoclonal (MYC.A7)WBICCELISA
5762myc tagchicken polyclonalELISA
8059myc tagrabbit polyclonalELISA
1018RFPmouse monoclonal (RF5R)WBICCELISA
1731T7 tagrabbit polyclonalELISA
2475V5 tagrabbit polyclonalELISA
7678V5 tagmouse monoclonal (V5.E10)WBICCELISA
9682VSV-G tagrabbit polyclonalELISA