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Protein antigens

Whether natural or recombinant – purified proteins are pivotal in a range of applications, serving as essential components in assays and experimental protocols. In ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), they are frequently utilized as standards, providing a reference for quantifying antigen or antibody concentrations with high precision. In Western blotting, these proteins act as positive controls, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the assay by confirming the specificity and efficacy of the antibodies used. Moreover, in the generation of antibodies, proteins serve as antigens, facilitating the production of antibodies with high specificity.

BA128VSAdenovirus Type 2 Hexon AntigenANTIGEN
BA120VS3Bordetella pertussis Filamentous Hemagglutinin (FHA) AntigenANTIGEN
BA120VS4Bordetella pertussis Toxin AntigenANTIGEN
BA120VS8Bordetella pertussis whole cell AntigenANTIGEN
BA121VSBorrelia afzelii AntigenANTIGEN
BA121R01Borrelia afzelii Pko DbpA AntigenANTIGEN
BA121R02Borrelia afzelii Pko OspC AntigenANTIGEN
BA121GVSBorrelia garninii AntigenANTIGEN
BA116VSBrucella abortus AntigenANTIGEN
BA139VSCampylobacter jejuni AntigenANTIGEN
BA117VSCandida albicans AntigenANTIGEN
ESR200Candida AntigenANTIGEN
BA148R3Chikungunya Glycoprotein E1 (A226V) AntigenANTIGEN
BA148R2Chikungunya Glycoprotein E1 AntigenANTIGEN
BA148R1Chikungunya Glycoprotein E2 AntigenANTIGEN
BA1373VSERChlamydia abortus EB & RB (elementary and reticular bodies) AntigenANTIGEN
BA1371VSChlamydia pneumoniae COMC AntigenANTIGEN
BA1371VSERChlamydia pneumoniae EB and RB AntigenANTIGEN
BA1372VSERChlamydia trachomatis EB + RB AntigenANTIGEN
BA1372VSR2Chlamydia trachomatis MOMP AntigenANTIGEN
1227Coxiella burnetii (Phase I) (Antigen)ANTIGEN
3227Coxiella burnetii (Phase I) (Positive Control)ANTIGEN
1123Coxiella burnetii (Phase II) (Antigen)ANTIGEN
3123Coxiella burnetii (Phase II) (Positive Control)ANTIGEN
BA134VS01Coxsackievirus AntigenANTIGEN
BA109VSCytomegalovirus AntigenANTIGEN
B109AVIDCytomegalovirus Avidity ReagentANTIGEN
BA130VSDiphtheria Toxoid Control AntigenANTIGEN
BA107VSEchinococcus granulosus AntigenANTIGEN
BA135VS01Echovirus AntigenANTIGEN
BA133VS01Enterovirus AntigenANTIGEN
BA1361VSR21Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Capsid AntigenANTIGEN
BA1361VSR22Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Capsid AntigenANTIGEN
BA1363VSR6Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Early AntigenANTIGEN
BA1363P54VSEpstein Barr Virus (EBV) Early AntigenANTIGEN
BA1362VSEpstein Barr Virus (EBV) Nuclear AntigenANTIGEN
BA1361R01Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Capsid Antigen P18, alternative buffer Control AntigenANTIGEN
BA112VSFSME/TBE (Tick-Borne Encephalitis) Virus (Premium) AntigenANTIGEN
BA112VSLFSME/TBE (Tick-Borne Encephalitis) Virus AntigenANTIGEN
BA118VSHelicobacter pylori AntigenANTIGEN
BA1051VSHerpes simplex Virus 1 AntigenANTIGEN
BA1051RVS-GHerpes simplex Virus 1 Glycoprotein G AntigenANTIGEN
BA1052VSHerpes simplex Virus 2 AntigenANTIGEN
BA1052RVS-GHerpes simplex Virus 2 Glycoprotein G AntigenANTIGEN
2112Influenza A Virus AntigenANTIGEN
2114Influenza A/B Virus AntigenANTIGEN
2113Influenza B Virus AntigenANTIGEN
BA106VSLegionella pneumophila AntigenANTIGEN
BA125VSLeptospira biflexa AntigenANTIGEN
BA102VSMeasles AntigenANTIGEN
BA102VS-SMeasles Antigen [premium]ANTIGEN
BA102R01Measles Virus Nucleoprotein Control AntigenANTIGEN
BA103VSMumps Virus AntigenANTIGEN
BA103R01Mumps Virus Nucleoprotein Control AntigenANTIGEN
BA127VSMycoplasma pneumoniae AntigenANTIGEN
BA127VSP1Mycoplasma pneumoniae P1 AntigenANTIGEN
BA1261VSParainfluenza Virus Type 1 AntigenANTIGEN
BA1262VSParainfluenza Virus Type 2 AntigenANTIGEN
BA1263VSParainfluenza Virus Type 3 Control AntigenANTIGEN
BA122VSNS1Parvovirus B19 NS1 AntigenANTIGEN
BA122VSVP1AParvovirus B19 PepA (VP1 unique) AntigenANTIGEN
BA122VSVP1BParvovirus B19 PepB (VP2 C-term) AntigenANTIGEN
BA122VSVP1CParvovirus B19 PepC (VP1 N-term) AntigenANTIGEN
BA122VSVP1DParvovirus B19 PepD (VP1 C-term) AntigenANTIGEN
BA122VSVP2Parvovirus B19 VLP AntigenANTIGEN
BA122VSVP1Parvovirus B19 VP1 AntigenANTIGEN
BA122VSVP1EParvovirus B19 VP2 AntigenANTIGEN
BA113VSRespiratory Syncytial Virus AntigenANTIGEN
BA1193VSRotavirus AntigenANTIGEN
BA129R01Rubella Spike Ectodomain (E1-E2) AntigenANTIGEN
B129AVIDRubella Virus Avidity ReagentANTIGEN
BA129G2VSRubella Virus Grade 2 AntigenANTIGEN
BA400R04SARS-CoV-2 Nucleoprotein AntigenANTIGEN
BA400R03SARS-CoV-2 Spike Ectodomain (S1-S2) AntigenANTIGEN
BA108VSTetanus Toxoid Control AntigenANTIGEN
BA110VSToxoplasma gondii AntigenANTIGEN
B110AVIDToxoplasma gondii Avidity ReagentANTIGEN
BA104R02Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Envelope Glycoprotein E Control AntigenANTIGEN
BA104VSVaricella-Zoster Virus AntigenANTIGEN
BA104VSGVaricella-Zoster Virus Glycoprotein AntigenANTIGEN
BA138VSYersinia enterocolitica O:3 YOP (Yersinia outer proteins) AntigenANTIGEN
BA13808VSYersinia enterocolitica O:8 YOP (Yersinia outer proteins) AntigenANTIGEN
BA13809VSYersinia enterocolitica O:9 YOP (Yersinia outer proteins) AntigenANTIGEN
BA149R01Zika Virus NS1 Control AntigenANTIGEN