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rabbit anti-CD45RB (LCA) monoclonal antibody (ZR361) 6098


Antibody summary

  • Rabbit monoclonal to CD45RB (LCA)
  • Suitable for: Immunohistochemistry (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues)
  • Reacts with: Human
  • Isotype:IgG
  • Control: Tonsil or lymph node
  • Visualization: Cell membrane
  • 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mL concentrated, 7 mL prediluted
SKU: 6098parent Category: Tags: , ,
Weight1 lbs
Dimensions9 × 5 × 2 in







concentrate, predilute





available size

0.1 mL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL concentrated, 7 mL prediluted

rabbit anti-CD45RB (LCA) monoclonal antibody ZR361 6098

Database link:
human P08575
Tested applications
Recommended dilutions
As directed
PD7/26/16: human peripheral blood lymphocytes maintained in T cell growth factor; 2B11: isolated neoplastic cells from T cell lymphoma
Size and concentration
7 mL prediluted or 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mL and concentrated
Storage Instructions
2-8°C for short term, for longer term at -20°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycles.
affinity purified
Compatible secondaries
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, peroxidase conjugated, conjugated polyclonal antibody 9512
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated polyclonal antibody 2079
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody 7863
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, Cross Absorbed polyclonal antibody 2371
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1715
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1720
Isotype control
Rabbit polyclonal - Isotype Control
target relevance
Protein names
Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase C (EC (Leukocyte common antigen) (L-CA) (T200) (CD antigen CD45)
Gene names
Protein family
Protein-tyrosine phosphatase family, Receptor class 1/6 subfamily
Protein tyrosine-protein phosphatase required for T-cell activation through the antigen receptor (PubMed:35767951). Acts as a positive regulator of T-cell coactivation upon binding to DPP4. The first PTPase domain has enzymatic activity, while the second one seems to affect the substrate specificity of the first one. Upon T-cell activation, recruits and dephosphorylates SKAP1 and FYN. Dephosphorylates LYN, and thereby modulates LYN activity (By similarity).; (Microbial infection) Acts as a receptor for human cytomegalovirus protein UL11 and mediates binding of UL11 to T-cells, leading to reduced induction of tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple signaling proteins upon T-cell receptor stimulation and impaired T-cell proliferation.
Subellular location
Cell membrane ; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Membrane raft. Synapse. Note=Colocalized with DPP4 in membrane rafts.
Isoform 1: Detected in thymocytes. Isoform 2: Detected in thymocytes. Isoform 3: Detected in thymocytes. Isoform 4: Not detected in thymocytes. Isoform 5: Detected in thymocytes. Isoform 6: Not detected in thymocytes. Isoform 7: Detected in thymocytes. Isoform 8: Not detected in thymocytes.
Binds GANAB and PRKCSH (By similarity). Interacts with SKAP1 (PubMed:11909961). Interacts with DPP4; the interaction is enhanced in an interleukin-12-dependent manner in activated lymphocytes (PubMed:12676959). Interacts with CD53; this interaction stabilizes PTPRC on the membrane and is required for optimal phosphatase activity (PubMed:35767951).; (Microbial infection) Interacts with human cytomegalovirus protein UL11; the interaction is required for binding of UL11 to T-cells.
Post-translational modification
Heavily N- and O-glycosylated.
Involvement in disease
DISEASE: Multiple sclerosis (MS) [MIM:126200]: A multifactorial, inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. Sclerotic lesions are characterized by perivascular infiltration of monocytes and lymphocytes and appear as indurated areas in pathologic specimens (sclerosis in plaques). The pathological mechanism is regarded as an autoimmune attack of the myelin sheath, mediated by both cellular and humoral immunity. Clinical manifestations include visual loss, extra-ocular movement disorders, paresthesias, loss of sensation, weakness, dysarthria, spasticity, ataxia and bladder dysfunction. Genetic and environmental factors influence susceptibility to the disease. Note=Disease susceptibility may be associated with variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.; DISEASE: Immunodeficiency 105 (IMD105) [MIM:619924]: An autosomal recessive disorder characterized by recurrent infections in early infancy, decreased or absent numbers of non-functional T cells, normal or increased levels of B cells, hypogammaglobulinemia, and normal or low NK cells. Clinical manifestations may include pneumonia, dermatitis, and lymphadenopathy. Note=The disease is caused by variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.
Target Relevance information above includes information from UniProt accession: P08575
The UniProt Consortium


Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human lymph node stained with anti-CD45 (LCA) antibody using  peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note cell membrane staining of B- and T-lymphocytes.
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human lymph node stained with anti-CD45 (LCA) antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note cell membrane staining of B- and T-lymphocytes.


Published literature highly relevant to the biological target of this product and referencing this antibody or clone are retrieved from PubMed database provided by The United States National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.



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