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mouse anti-Vimentin monoclonal antibody ZR381 6403


Antibody summary

  • Mouse monoclonal to Vimentin
  • Suitable for: Immunohistochemistry (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues)
  • Reacts with: Human
  • Isotype:IgG
  • Control: Sarcoma or melanoma
  • Visualization: Cytoplasmic
  • 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mL concentrated, 7 mL prediluted
SKU: 6403parent Categories: , Tag:
Weight1 lbs
Dimensions9 × 5 × 2 in







concentrate, predilute





available size

0.1 mL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL concentrated, 7 mL prediluted

mouse anti-Vimentin monoclonal antibody ZR381 6403

Database link:
human P08670
Tested applications
Recommended dilutions
As directed
Recombinant human Villin fragment (around aa179-311)
Size and concentration
7 mL prediluted or 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mL and concentrated
Storage Instructions
2-8°C for short term, for longer term at -20°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycles.
affinity purified
Compatible secondaries
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, peroxidase conjugated polyclonal antibody 5486
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated, Conjugate polyclonal antibody 2685
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody 7854
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, peroxidase conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1706
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1716
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1721
Isotype control
Mouse monoclonal IgG - Isotype Control
target relevance
Protein names
Gene names
Protein family
Intermediate filament family
Vimentins are class-III intermediate filaments found in various non-epithelial cells, especially mesenchymal cells. Vimentin is attached to the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria, either laterally or terminally. ; Involved with LARP6 in the stabilization of type I collagen mRNAs for CO1A1 and CO1A2.
Subellular location
Cytoplasm Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton Nucleus matrix Cell membrane
Highly expressed in fibroblasts, some expression in T- and B-lymphocytes, and little or no expression in Burkitt's lymphoma cell lines. Expressed in many hormone-independent mammary carcinoma cell lines.
Homomer assembled from elementary dimers (PubMed:20176112). Identified in complexes that contain VIM, EZR, AHNAK, BFSP1, BFSP2, ANK2, PLEC, PRX and spectrin (By similarity). Interacts with BCAS3 (PubMed:17505058). Interacts with LGSN (By similarity). Interacts with SYNM (By similarity). Interacts (via rod region) with PLEC (via CH 1 domain) (By similarity). Interacts with PLEC isoform 1C (PubMed:24940650). Interacts with STK33 (PubMed:18811945). Interacts with LARP6 (PubMed:21746880). Interacts with RAB8B (By similarity). Interacts with TOR1A; the interaction associates TOR1A with the cytoskeleton (PubMed:16361107, PubMed:18827015). Interacts with TOR1AIP1 (PubMed:16361107). Interacts with DIAPH1 (PubMed:23325789). Interacts with EPPK1; interaction is dependent of higher-order structure of intermediate filament (PubMed:16923132). Interacts with the non-receptor tyrosine kinase SRMS; the interaction leads to phosphorylation of VIM (PubMed:29496907). Interacts with NOD2 (PubMed:27812135). Interacts (via head region) with CORO1C (By similarity). Interacts with HDGF (isoform 2) (PubMed:26845719). Interacts with PRKCE (via phorbol-ester/DAG-type 2 domain) (PubMed:18408015). Interacts with BFSP2 (By similarity). Interacts with PPL (By similarity). Interacts (via rod domain) with PKP1 (PubMed:10852826). Interacts with PKP2 (PubMed:10852826). ; (Microbial infection) Interacts with HCV core protein.
Post-translational modification
Filament disassembly during mitosis is promoted by phosphorylation at Ser-55 as well as by nestin (By similarity). One of the most prominent phosphoproteins in various cells of mesenchymal origin. Phosphorylation is enhanced during cell division, at which time vimentin filaments are significantly reorganized. Phosphorylation by PKN1 inhibits the formation of filaments. Phosphorylated at Ser-56 by CDK5 during neutrophil secretion in the cytoplasm (PubMed:21465480). Phosphorylated by STK33 (PubMed:18811945). Phosphorylated on tyrosine residues by SRMS (PubMed:29496907). ; O-glycosylated during cytokinesis at sites identical or close to phosphorylation sites, this interferes with the phosphorylation status. ; S-nitrosylation is induced by interferon-gamma and oxidatively-modified low-densitity lipoprotein (LDL(ox)) possibly implicating the iNOS-S100A8/9 transnitrosylase complex.
Involvement in disease
Cataract 30, multiple types (CTRCT30) [MIM:116300]: An opacification of the crystalline lens of the eye that frequently results in visual impairment or blindness. Opacities vary in morphology, are often confined to a portion of the lens, and may be static or progressive. In general, the more posteriorly located and dense an opacity, the greater the impact on visual function. Note=The disease is caused by variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.
Target Relevance information above includes information from UniProt accession: P08670
The UniProt Consortium


Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human gastrointestinal stromal tumor stained with anti-vimentin antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note the cytoplasmic staining of tumor cells
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human gastrointestinal stromal tumor stained with anti-vimentin antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note the cytoplasmic staining of tumor cells


Published literature highly relevant to the biological target of this product and referencing this antibody or clone are retrieved from PubMed database provided by The United States National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.



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