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mouse anti-Ubiquitin monoclonal antibody ZM191 6399


Antibody summary

  • Mouse monoclonal to Ubiquitin
  • Suitable for: Immunohistochemistry (formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues)
  • Reacts with: Human
  • Isotype:IgG2a
  • Control: Brain
  • Visualization: Cytoplasmic and membranous
  • 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mL concentrated, 7 mL prediluted
SKU: 6399parent Categories: , Tag:
Weight1 lbs
Dimensions9 × 5 × 2 in







concentrate, predilute





available size

0.1 mL, 0.5 mL, 1 mL concentrated, 7 mL prediluted

mouse anti-Ubiquitin monoclonal antibody ZM191 6399

Database link:
human P0CG47
Tested applications
Recommended dilutions
As directed
Recombinant tyrosinase protein
Size and concentration
7 mL prediluted or 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mL and concentrated
Storage Instructions
2-8°C for short term, for longer term at -20°C. Avoid freeze / thaw cycles.
affinity purified
Compatible secondaries
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, peroxidase conjugated polyclonal antibody 5486
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated, Conjugate polyclonal antibody 2685
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody 7854
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, peroxidase conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1706
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1716
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1721
Isotype control
Mouse monoclonal IgG2a - Isotype Control
target relevance
Protein names
Polyubiquitin-B [Cleaved into: Ubiquitin]
Gene names
Protein family
Ubiquitin family
[Ubiquitin]: Exists either covalently attached to another protein, or free (unanchored). When covalently bound, it is conjugated to target proteins via an isopeptide bond either as a monomer (monoubiquitin), a polymer linked via different Lys residues of the ubiquitin (polyubiquitin chains) or a linear polymer linked via the initiator Met of the ubiquitin (linear polyubiquitin chains). Polyubiquitin chains, when attached to a target protein, have different functions depending on the Lys residue of the ubiquitin that is linked: Lys-6-linked may be involved in DNA repair; Lys-11-linked is involved in ERAD (endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation) and in cell-cycle regulation; Lys-29-linked is involved in proteotoxic stress response and cell cycle; Lys-33-linked is involved in kinase modification; Lys-48-linked is involved in protein degradation via the proteasome; Lys-63-linked is involved in endocytosis, DNA-damage responses as well as in signaling processes leading to activation of the transcription factor NF-kappa-B. Linear polymer chains formed via attachment by the initiator Met lead to cell signaling. Ubiquitin is usually conjugated to Lys residues of target proteins, however, in rare cases, conjugation to Cys or Ser residues has been observed. When polyubiquitin is free (unanchored-polyubiquitin), it also has distinct roles, such as in activation of protein kinases, and in signaling.
Subellular location
[Ubiquitin]: Cytoplasm Nucleus Mitochondrion outer membrane
Interacts with SKP1-KMD2A and SKP1-KMD2B complexes.
Post-translational modification
[Ubiquitin]: Phosphorylated at Ser-65 by PINK1 during mitophagy (PubMed:24660806, PubMed:24751536, PubMed:24784582, PubMed:25527291, PubMed:26161729). Phosphorylated ubiquitin specifically binds and activates parkin (PRKN), triggering mitophagy (PubMed:24660806, PubMed:24751536, PubMed:24784582, PubMed:25527291, PubMed:26161729). Phosphorylation does not affect E1-mediated E2 charging of ubiquitin but affects discharging of E2 enzymes to form polyubiquitin chains. It also affects deubiquitination by deubiquitinase enzymes such as USP30 (PubMed:25527291). ; [Ubiquitin]: Mono-ADP-ribosylated at the C-terminus by PARP9, a component of the PPAR9-DTX3L complex. ADP-ribosylation requires processing by E1 and E2 enzymes and prevents ubiquitin conjugation to substrates such as histones. ; [Ubiquitin]: (Microbial infection) Mono-ADP-ribosylated at Thr-66 by the C.violaceum CteC virulence factor. ADP-ribosylation causes the shutdown of polyubiquitin synthesis and disrupts the recognition and reversal of polyubiquitin.
Target Relevance information above includes information from UniProt accession: P0CG47
The UniProt Consortium


Human brain hippocampus stained with anti-ubiquitin antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note the cytoplasmic staining of few neurons..
Human brain hippocampus stained with anti-ubiquitin antibody using peroxidase-conjugate and DAB chromogen. Note the cytoplasmic staining of few neurons..


Published literature highly relevant to the biological target of this product and referencing this antibody or clone are retrieved from PubMed database provided by The United States National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.



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