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rabbit anti-ATR polyclonal antibody 6893


Antibody summary

  • Rabbit polyclonal to ATR
  • Suitable for: WB,IP
  • Isotype: Whole IgG
  • 100 µg
SKU: 6893parent Category: Tag:
Weight1 lbs
Dimensions9 × 5 × 2 in







1 mg/mL





available sizes

100 µg

rabbit anti-ATR polyclonal antibody 6893

Tested applications
Recommended dilutions
Western Blot: 0.033 - 0.067 ug/ml.
Synthetic peptide representing a portion of the protein encoded within exon 5 (LocusLink ID 545).
Size and concentration
100µg and lot specific
Storage Instructions
Store at 2 - 8°C. Antibody is stable at 2 - 8°C for 1 year.
Storage buffer
Tris-citrate/phosphate buffer, pH 7 to 8 contai
immunogen affinty purifcation
Compatible secondaries
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, peroxidase conjugated, conjugated polyclonal antibody 9512
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated polyclonal antibody 2079
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody 7863
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, Cross Absorbed polyclonal antibody 2371
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1715
goat anti-rabbit IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1720
Isotype control
Rabbit polyclonal - Isotype Control
target relevance
Protein names
Serine/threonine-protein kinase ATR (EC (Ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein) (FRAP-related protein 1)
Gene names
Protein family
PI3/PI4-kinase family, ATM subfamily
Serine/threonine protein kinase which activates checkpoint signaling upon genotoxic stresses such as ionizing radiation (IR), ultraviolet light (UV), or DNA replication stalling, thereby acting as a DNA damage sensor (PubMed:10597277, PubMed:10608806, PubMed:10859164, PubMed:11721054, PubMed:12791985, PubMed:12814551, PubMed:14657349, PubMed:14729973, PubMed:14742437, PubMed:15210935, PubMed:15496423, PubMed:16260606, PubMed:21144835, PubMed:27723717, PubMed:27723720, PubMed:33848395, PubMed:9427750, PubMed:9636169, PubMed:21777809). Recognizes the substrate consensus sequence [ST]-Q (PubMed:10597277, PubMed:10608806, PubMed:10859164, PubMed:11721054, PubMed:12791985, PubMed:12814551, PubMed:14657349, PubMed:14729973, PubMed:14742437, PubMed:15210935, PubMed:15496423, PubMed:16260606, PubMed:21144835, PubMed:27723717, PubMed:27723720, PubMed:33848395, PubMed:9427750, PubMed:9636169). Phosphorylates BRCA1, CHEK1, MCM2, RAD17, RPA2, SMC1 and p53/TP53, which collectively inhibit DNA replication and mitosis and promote DNA repair, recombination and apoptosis (PubMed:9925639, PubMed:11114888, PubMed:11418864, PubMed:11865061, PubMed:21777809). Phosphorylates 'Ser-139' of histone variant H2AX at sites of DNA damage, thereby regulating DNA damage response mechanism (PubMed:11673449). Required for FANCD2 ubiquitination (PubMed:15314022). Critical for maintenance of fragile site stability and efficient regulation of centrosome duplication (PubMed:12526805). Positively regulates the restart of stalled replication forks following activation by the KHDC3L-OOEP scaffold complex (By similarity).
Catalytic activity
CATALYTIC ACTIVITY: Reaction=ATP + L-seryl-[protein] = ADP + H(+) + O-phospho-L-seryl-[protein]; Xref=Rhea:RHEA:17989, Rhea:RHEA-COMP:9863, Rhea:RHEA-COMP:11604, ChEBI:CHEBI:15378, ChEBI:CHEBI:29999, ChEBI:CHEBI:30616, ChEBI:CHEBI:83421, ChEBI:CHEBI:456216; EC=; Evidence=; PhysiologicalDirection=left-to-right; Xref=Rhea:RHEA:17990; Evidence=; CATALYTIC ACTIVITY: Reaction=ATP + L-threonyl-[protein] = ADP + H(+) + O-phospho-L-threonyl-[protein]; Xref=Rhea:RHEA:46608, Rhea:RHEA-COMP:11060, Rhea:RHEA-COMP:11605, ChEBI:CHEBI:15378, ChEBI:CHEBI:30013, ChEBI:CHEBI:30616, ChEBI:CHEBI:61977, ChEBI:CHEBI:456216; EC=; Evidence=; PhysiologicalDirection=left-to-right; Xref=Rhea:RHEA:46609; Evidence=;
Subellular location
Nucleus. Chromosome. Note=Depending on the cell type, it can also be found in PML nuclear bodies. Recruited to chromatin during S-phase. Redistributes to discrete nuclear foci upon DNA damage, hypoxia or replication fork stalling.
Ubiquitous, with highest expression in testis. Isoform 2 is found in pancreas, placenta and liver but not in heart, testis and ovary.
Forms a heterodimer with ATRIP, forming the ATR-ATRIP complex (PubMed:11721054, PubMed:15758953, PubMed:14729973, PubMed:12791985, PubMed:21777809). Present in a complex containing ATRIP and RPA-coated single-stranded DNA (PubMed:14729973, PubMed:12791985). Binds to DNA, and to UV-damaged DNA with higher affinity (PubMed:12791985). Interacts with MSH2 and HDAC2 (PubMed:14657349). Present in a complex containing CHD4 and HDAC2 (PubMed:10545197). Interacts with EEF1E1, the interaction is enhanced by UV irradiation (PubMed:15680327). Interacts with CLSPN and CEP164 (PubMed:18283122, PubMed:12766152). Interacts with TELO2 and TTI1 (PubMed:20801936, PubMed:20427287, PubMed:20810650). Interacts with BCR-ABL after genotoxic stress (PubMed:15050919). Interacts with UHRF2; this interaction promotes ATR activation (PubMed:33848395). Interacts (when phosphorylated) with TOPBP1; interaction takes place when ATR is autophosphorylated at Thr-1989, leading to ATR activation by TOPBP1 (PubMed:21705319, PubMed:21777809).
Post-translational modification
Phosphorylated (PubMed:21144835). Autophosphorylation at Thr-1989 in response to DNA damage promotes interaction with TOPBP1 and activation of ATR (PubMed:21705319, PubMed:21777809).
Involvement in disease
DISEASE: Seckel syndrome 1 (SCKL1) [MIM:210600]: A rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by proportionate dwarfism of prenatal onset associated with low birth weight, growth retardation, severe microcephaly with a bird-headed like appearance, and intellectual disability. Note=The disease is caused by variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.; DISEASE: Cutaneous telangiectasia and cancer syndrome, familial (FCTCS) [MIM:614564]: A disease characterized by cutaneous telangiectases in infancy with patchy alopecia over areas of affected skin, thinning of the lateral eyebrows, and mild dental and nail anomalies. Affected individuals are at increased risk of developing oropharyngeal cancer, and other malignancies have been reported as well. Note=The disease is caused by variants affecting the gene represented in this entry.
Target Relevance information above includes information from UniProt accession: Q13535
The UniProt Consortium


Detection of human ATR by western blot of immunoprecipitates. Samples: Whole cell lysate (1.0 mg per IP reaction; 20% of IP loaded) from HeLa cells prepared using NETN lysis buffer. Antibodies: Affinity purified rabbit anti-ATR antibody (6893 lot 3) used for IP at 6 µg per reaction. ATR was also immunoprecipitated by a previous lot of this antibody (6893 lot 2) and a second antibody against a different epitope of rabbit ATR (13018). For blotting immunoprecipitated ATR, 6893 was used at 0.1 µg /ml. Detection: Chemiluminescence with an exposure time of 10 seconds.
Detection of human ATR by western blot. Samples: Whole cell lysate (10 µg ) from U2OS, HeLa, MCF-7, RKO, and My-La CD4+ cells prepared using NETN lysis buffer. Antibody: Affinity purified rabbit anti-ATR antibody (6893 lot 3) used for WB at 0.1 µg /ml. Detection: Chemiluminescence with an exposure time of 3 minutes.


Published literature highly relevant to the biological target of this product and referencing this antibody or clone are retrieved from PubMed database provided by The United States National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.



relevant to this product
Western blot


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