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mouse anti-HTLV-1 Tax monoclonal antibody (1A3) 8868


Antibody summary

  • Mouse monoclonal to HTLV-1 Tax
  • Suitable for: WB,IHC,ELISA
  • Isotype: IgG2a
  • 100 µg
SKU: 8868parent Category: Tag:
Weight1 lbs
Dimensions9 × 5 × 2 in







1 mg/mL




HTLV-1 Tax

available sizes

100 µg

mouse anti-HTLV-1 Tax monoclonal antibody (1A3) 8868

Tested applications
Recommended dilutions
ELISA: use at 0.1-1.0ug/ml


User should use at 2-10ug/ml. A band of ~42kDa is detected.

Immunohistochemistry: use at 2- 20ug/ml.

These are recommended concentrations.

End user should determine optimal concentrations for their applications.
Recombinant full-length HTLV- Tax protein.
Size and concentration
100µg and
Storage Instructions
This product is stable for at least one (1) year at -20°C to -70°C. Reconstituted product should be stored in appropriate aliquots to avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Storage buffer
Lyophilized, 0.1M Tris, 0.1M glycine, 2% sucrose
protein affinty purification
Compatible secondaries
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, peroxidase conjugated polyclonal antibody 5486
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated, Conjugate polyclonal antibody 2685
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody 7854
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, peroxidase conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1706
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, biotin conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1716
goat anti-mouse IgG, H&L chain specific, FITC conjugated polyclonal antibody, crossabsorbed 1721
Isotype control
Mouse monocolonal IgG2a - Isotype Control
target relevance
Protein names
Protein Tax-1 (Protein X-LOR) (Protein PX) (Trans-activating transcriptional regulatory protein of HTLV-1)
Gene names
Protein family
Deltaretrovirus Tax protein family
Transcriptional activator that governs the viral transcription from the 5'LTR via the recruitment of dimers of host phosphorylated CREB1. Together they bind cAMP response elements within the viral promoter and mediate high-level viral transcription (PubMed:8970957, PubMed:22789739). Increases host CREB1 O-GlcNAcylation to further increase 5'LTR transactivation (PubMed:28742148). Modulates also the expression of cellular genes leading to the deregulation of T-cell proliferation, perturbing the integrity of cell cycle checkpoints, the DNA damage response and apopototic pathways. Acts as an ubiquitin E3 ligase and stimulates host IKK complex by catalyzing the assembly of free mixed-linkage polyubiquitin chains, resulting in constitutive activation of the transcription factor NF-kappa-B (PubMed:28103322, PubMed:27082114). Inhibits the host nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD), a cellular process that can actively degrade mRNAs by interacting with host UPF1 (PubMed:27082114).
Subellular location
Host nucleus. Host cytoplasm. Note=Shuttles from the host nucleus to the cytoplasm. Found predominantly in the nucleus, where it is equally distributed between the nucleoplasm and the nuclear matrix.
Homodimer. Interacts with host CREB1 (PubMed:8970957). Interacts with host DLG1, IKBKG, KDM4A, MAGII3 and TAX1BP1. Recruits the coactivators CREBBP, EP300 and PCAF (PubMed:10766811). Interaction with human CARM1 enhances Tax transactivation and promotes methylation of histone H3 (PubMed:17005681). Interacts with host SUV39H1 protein, leading to abrogate Tax transactivation of HTLV-1 LTR (PubMed:16409643). Interaction with human CREB coactivators, CRTC1/TORC1, CRTC2/TORC2 and CRTC3/TORC3 enhances Tax transactivation (PubMed:15466468, PubMed:16809310). Interacts with host UPF1; this interaction inhibits the host nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD). Interacts (via N-terminus) with host PLSCR1; this interaction negatively regulates Tax transactivation activity by altering its subcellular distribution and homodimerization (PubMed:22789739).
Post-translational modification
Phosphorylation at Thr-48 results in the loss of NF-kappa-B activation function. Phosphorylation at Thr-215 results in loss of CREB and NF-B responsive promoters activation. Phosphorylation at Thr-184 and Ser-336 have no effect on these Tax functions. Phosphorylation of either Ser-300 or Ser-301 is necessary for localization to nuclear bodies. Thr-48, Thr-184, Thr-215 and Ser-336 are highly phosphorylated, whereas Ser-300 or Ser-301 are only rarely phosphorylated.; Modified by host ubiquitin related modifier 1/URM1, resulting in a redistribution of Tax to the cytoplasm.
Target Relevance information above includes information from UniProt accession: P03409
The UniProt Consortium


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Published literature highly relevant to the biological target of this product and referencing this antibody or clone are retrieved from PubMed database provided by The United States National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health.



relevant to this product
Western blot


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