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VSV tag antibodies


The VSV-G tag has become a valuable and versatile tool in scientific research, particularly in molecular biology, cell biology, and virology studies. The VSV-G tag is derived from the glycoprotein of the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV), a virus that infects animals and does not replicate in mammalian cells. This feature makes the VSV-G tag highly useful for pseudotyping viral particles and creating viral vectors for gene delivery and expression studies. Researchers frequently use the VSV-G tag to replace the native envelope protein of viral vectors, enabling efficient and broad transduction of target cells, including difficult-to-transfect cell types. Furthermore, the VSV-G tag is often employed as a fusion tag for protein expression and purification, as it is well-tolerated and effectively trafficked to the plasma membrane. The VSV-G tag can be readily detected using specific antibodies in a variety of experimental assays, such as Western blotting and immunofluorescence, facilitating the visualization and quantification of tagged proteins.